Monday, April 30, 2012

Halfway Heroic

I can't believe the end of April is already here. Maybe it's hard to believe because the weather has been spectacularly disappointing, especially after the unseasonably warm May-arch weather last month.  That's not to say that April hasn't had it's share of nice's just that without fail, the temperature immediately plummets, clouds roll in, and rain starts to fall on Friday night and continues through Sunday night.

Then Monday morning hits, the sun returns, and the temperature leaps back into comfortable territory.  Seriously, this happened every single weekend, all April long!  It's like the weather gods were mocking my every step two and from work.  I think I spent a grand total of thirty-five minutes outside all month, and that's the cumulative total from walking between the car into various buildings.

But enough about the sad, depressing weather.  The final day of the month means that it's my last chance to post my monthly ad revenue update, a long-standing tradition here at Away from the Cubicle.  And by long-standing tradition, I mean second post on the topic...but all traditions have to start somewhere.

I hadn't checked my AdSense account for quite a few weeks--Google's overhaul of the Blogger interface made it temporarily difficult to locate the Earnings button, but I finally found it and did some investigating this morning.  I was beyond pleasantly surprised by the results--Blogger business is booming!  First of all, with March's money in the bank, I'm up to $26.82 in revenue, not including anything from April:

And, like I said, April has been a very good month.  At this risk of making this feel a little too much like work and not enough like a blog titled Away from the Cubicle, let's go to the woefully undersized graphs:

I nearly doubled my ad revenue in April, with over $25 for the month!  And the lifetime earnings chart is looking pretty darn good, too:

With more than $50 in the bank as April comes to a close, I'm officially more than half way to my $100 AdSense-minimum cash-out goal. And, as you may recall, when I break through that illustrious $100 barrier and receive my first Blogger payment, I wiill officially proclaim myself a professional writer. Given powerful trend I'm working with, I'll be wealthy and retired by the end of next year.

Ad revenue is more than doubling every month, and with two months worth of data supporting this explosive exponential trend, I see no reason why that won't continue indefinitely.  Who knew it could be this easy?!  With all the free time I'll have in retirement without that pesky little thing known as "employment," the quality of this blog will surely skyrocket along with my earnings, creating an unstoppable, virtuous cycle.

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